At Grassroots

1. To help people in developing skills and support the underprivileged, empower children and women through skill development, help abused and/or neglected citizen and address issues denying equal opportunities for all in the life.

2. To encourage the formation of various local groups through workshops, direct connect initiatives, support sociolegal awareness activities and organise social events for an effective reach towards underprivileged sections of the society.

3. To support and cooperate with the persons and organisations already engaged in similar activities and promote the skills/products they posses.

4. To provide opportunities to individuals living in India and abroad who wish to participate in community service and social awareness events organised by us and other like minded nonprofits, organisations and institutions.

5. To raise the required resources to promote our projects to achieve our objectives.
Team PositiveDomain supports sustainable development goals and keep spreading positive vibes the 'make someone smile' way and here's the answer for your most frequently asked question why globalgoals!  

help us to 'make someone smile'