Saturday, 10 March 2018

writ petition for safe drinking water

PIL for directing authorities to regularly supply safe drinking water in Hon'ble High Court

Writ Petition (Civil) PIL No.          Of 2018

In the matter between:

Through Member/Secretary,
Add:                                        Petitioner


Delhi Jal Board
Through, Chairman,
Add:                                        Respondent

A Writ Petition (PIL) under Art.21,14 and Art.226 of the Constitution of India

The Hon'ble Chief Justice and
His Companion Justices
In the High Court of Delhi

Most Respectfully Showeth:

1) That the petitioner VGSS is a non profit making, public spirited nationwide organisation. The petition
     is filed through member/secretary of the institution. The credentials and authority letters are
     annexed herewith at annexure ‘A’

2. The petition is filed for benefit of poor resident of slum area of Sangam Vihar, who are denied safe
    drinking water which is their fundamental right.

The petitioner and the persons for whose benefit this petition is filed are citizens of India and hence they are entitled to approach this Hon'ble Court for protection of their fundamental rights under Art.21, Art. 14 Art.226 of the Constitution of India.

3) The Fact Situation Relating to Drinking water shortage at Sangam Vihar

4) Details Representations made by petitioners to various authorities for making available safe drinking
    water and replies we have received till date.
The correspondence is annexed at annexure ‘B’

5) It is submitted that right to safe drinking water is fundamental right under Art.21 of the Constitution
    of India. Because of inaction of respondent authority right under Art.21 is violated and this Hon'ble
    Court may be pleased to issue appropriate directions to protect Art. 21

6) That, the inaction of respondent is arbitrary and without any just excuse and therefore Art.14 is

7) That petitioner has no other efficacious remedy except to approach this Hon'ble Court by way of this
    writ petition under Art.226 of the Constitution of India.

8) That the petitioner has not filed any other petition on the same subject matter either
    in Hon'ble Supreme Court or in this Hon'ble High Court except this present petition.

9) The annexure(s), photographs, video evidences, film, media reports, etc are true and correct copies.

10) The petitioner reserves right to amend, add, modify or to rescind any contents of this
      petition if so required in the interest of justice.

11) In above facts and circumstances, the petitioner humbly prays that:

a) Hon’ble Court may be pleased to issue writ of mandamus or any other writ or direction or order under
    Art.226 of the Constitution of India to protect rights of petitioner under Art. 14, 21, by directing
    respondent to forthwith provide safe drinking water to Sangam Vihar, Delhi South.

b) Pending hearing and final disposal of this petition, Hon'ble Court may be pleased to direct respondent
    supply drinking water by at least 3 tankers per day to Sangam Vihar, Delhi South.

 c) Any other relief, or order which Hon’ble Court may deem fit to pass.




You need to act only after consulting a certified legal practitioner. This is a draft copy, which will be filled by VGSS at Hon’ble High Court of Delhi if our applications in this regard will not be entertained by concerned authorities. Kindly note this is not a legal advice instead this is a rough draft for education purpose only.