· Active Volunteer
You must have a vision of
where the project is heading. He/ She must feel connected and involved with the
project’s future and take ownership for the long-term success of the project.
· Project Member
Visit the project site at least once
in two years. If a personal site visit is not possible, a site-visit may be
arranged through an underprivileged person. This helps greater involvement of
all project members at an intimate level with children and volunteers at the
project site.
· Financial Support
The monetary support member
guarantees a minimum financial support per year (through personal and/or
fundraising) and ensures these funds are consistently delivered to the project
coordinator two months before the money is sent to the project. He/she also
works with the coordinator to raise any further amount needed from the
underprivileged or fund-raisers. It must be remembered that untimely delivery
of funds puts a lot of stress on the volunteers and distracts them from the
real work with children. The money you raise timely is imperative for success
of the project.
· Participation in
Decisions Making
Any volunteer/ member can suggest a
better way of functioning, any information or data that can help the project in
writing. We appreciate your active participation and believe it’s a must for
our continued success. You can also help recruit new volunteers for existing
and upcoming projects to ensure long-term sustainability for the project
as and when needed.
These internships are available from
time to time in legal, community service, administration, Project implementation. PositiveDomain is honoured to work with variety of project
partners and community groups in many community awareness, promotional and
skill development related endeavors. As our rapport builds with our partners
and communities we provide support to make the community impact more tangible
by supporting areas of need to support underprivileged and more. All intern
positions will be supported by a honourarium of INR 4300/- only.