Saturday, 11 February 2017

vgss valentine day celebration

Hi friends, take a small step with us to convey the love, respect and acceptance our elders deserve in the society, this valentine day we are raising to empower some senior citizen and help them change their trajectory of lives a bit. This initiative is about being a valentine to them, to care about their medical checkup, be with them socially by creating a space where they can enjoy with us and share their valuable stories with homemade meal. 
We all know how incredible our parents and  senior citizen are and how in their various and simultaneous roles (mother, father, guardian, friend, colleagues, etc) during our lifetime, they are the forces behind everything we are, everything we become and everything we are supposed to be. Being social what who we become is determined by the environment, influences and lives around us. It is extremely important for everyone of us to have someone in our life that we look up to - for inspiration, motivation, love and even simply, how to just live and not merely exist. 

This becomes all the more difficult for them if they are physically unfit and ignored by their own families, even more so if they belong to a marginalized section of the society. Here, we would like to request you to be there with us, get home made meal cooked for them instead of money and spend some time with them, make them feel they are as precious as anyone of us and that's precise we're into this initiative.

Your Money - will go towards ensuring that the impact reaches to deserving people that can eventually pave the way to convince at least for one of their children, their family to be with them.

You'll Get - apart from the great feel while you contribute, you shall also receive:

500 Rs contributor - a handwritten thank you letter 
1100 Rs - a handwritten thank you letter + T shirt
1500 Rs - a handwritten letter + T shirt with your name
5000 Rs - Come share the feel with a meal + merchandise 

Thank you

Team PositiveDomain