Thursday, 10 January 2019

your right to information

Since right of information act come into existence in our country we've seen all kinds of applications with people rightfully exercising their rights, we have got one of the most powerful activism tool at our disposal which allows your voice to reach, where it matters.

But, it is also true that majority of such applications doesn’t bring the desired results, we have some ideas to share on how you can draft your RTI application for better results:

Be clear and concise as it's important to state your main goal concisely, first paragraph of your application should make it absolutely clear what information you’re looking for. If you want people to take you seriously, then you need to put in the time to make sure your questions are serious in nature.

Make your point reasonably, but it is suggested to be in polite language. You must not write it as a complaint being rude or offensive. Advocating a cause through right to information make sense but RTI application is a tool limited to get answers to your queries, so be reasonable.

Now, you are ready to exercise your right to information and remember that you've got one of the most powerful tools for your voice to be heard.


The Public Information Officer
Address of Public Authority


Sub: Request to furnish information under section 6(1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 on the following questions and/or points.


You are requested to furnish the following information and documents concerning the following information:

(Please list your questions 1,2,3...)

In case, the information is not available at your office, be kind to forward to the concerned public authority as per section 6(3) of the RTI Act,2005. I am a citizen of India and my address is given below. Requisite RTI application fee of Rs.10/-is being remitted vide Indian Postal Order/ eIPO/ bank draft/ cheque no ____ dated ____ is enclosed.

(Payment of Rs. 10/- should be made to ‘Account Officer’ of concerned public authority)

Yours sincerely,

Name and Postal Address